Frequently Asked Questions


  • Some services can be billed directly to your insurance, while others are not. Therapy services are billable to insurance companies. We are “in-network” with Premera and First Choice. We are considered “out-of-network” with all other insurance companies. Evaluations are not covered by insurance and are billed directly to the client.

  • The best way to determine if we are accepting clients is to reach out to us via email. Clients come and go based on their needs and the type of therapy, so feel free to connect with us for udated information

  • Teletherapy and online counseling work much like in-person services and most people love the convenience and ability to quickly connect with their therapist. Once we accept you as a new client, we send your intake paperwork online and set up our first appointment. You will receive a link to your phone and email to login. Once you are logged in, you are face to face with your therapist. Sessions can take place at your convenience and on your schedule.

  • No. Teletherapy is not for everyone. Clients who are younger than 12 or are experiencing a mental health crisis should see a therapist in-person. In some cases and in specific situations, we are able to work with parents and children when they are under 12, but these cases are carefully screened to provide a recommendation that is in the best interest of the child.

  • We use a HIPAA secure program to transmit electronic communications and to meet online. Your privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance.

Get started with Wellness Counseling and Evaluation, PLLC today.